Simple Game in C language

Today  will share my game with you, I've created this game, during my C learning so I want to share it with you. I've created this game with very basic structure, there's no need of advanced C topics, just the basic knowledge of C loops, Decision controls and graphics.h file. My main motive to share it with you guys, after leaning it or understanding you can create more simple DOS based games in C language, or any other language you're Learning now.
but before starting the game I want you to tweak some settings in turboC so start turboC-->
goto options-->Linkers->libraries->[X] Grahics, lIbraries and turn on the graphics Libraries as shown in the image below :-

now we're ready to start the game : -
the game will look like this :

I've posted the GIF here but game is lot more smoother than shown in the GIF so give it a try by yourself : here's the code : just paste it and play it. if you need any help regarding this programmed game let me know in the comments. I will surely help you and you can ask me anything.
click this link my_github_repository  o download the program files or you can simply copy paste it in from the box below.

but before copy pasting I want to tell you one thing you need to change the initgraph(&gd,&gm,"C://turboc3//bgi") to your turboC/BGI folder as shown in the image below :

C-Program Code : 

From my github repository you will find more programs to work with such as library mgmt system in C, student database system in C and etc. I've developed more advanced games in C++ so you can hit link. I've developed a very basci game engine in C++ you can use it too.
thank you.

for more stuffs on C programming and Game development,let me know and I will post stuffs like :

snake game in c language
simple game in c language
chess game in c language
sudoku game in c language source code
quiz game in c language
game development in c language
ludo game in c language
2048 game in c language
make a game in c language
how to program a game in c language
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bouncing ball game in c language
mario game code in c language
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simple game code in c language without graphics
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